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What are the processes and characteristics of thick plate blister trays
Thick plate blister tray is the plastic blister technology will be made into a specific groove of the plastic, the product placed in the groove, play the role of protection and beautification of the product, there are also transport type tray packaging, tray use more are mainly for convenience.

The thick plate blister tray consists of a top and bottom cover with a lock and a folding coaming made of HDPE. It is formed by double layer thick board blister process, PP can be used for the middle coaming, plastic hollow board or seven-layer corrugated board can be made into foldable coaming.

The thick plate blister tray is designed for cyclic use, and the top cover and bottom support can be recycled for as long as 10 years. Plastic and corrugated coaming can also be recycled and replaced many times. This design can greatly reduce customers' logistics operation and storage costs. Both are designed to fold, the top and bottom can be embedded or stacked, compared with traditional packaging can save 50% storage space.

Thick plate plastic top cover and bottom support are made of two ABS sheets of one-time plastic forming, strong and durable; Tray assembly or disassembly is extremely convenient, without the help of how to tools, one person can be completed in a few minutes to disassemble or assemble. The top cover and bottom support each design has four quick locks, which can lock the coaming, so there is no need to bale again, saving the bale material and labor cost.

Blister products manufactured by thick plate are widely used in the packaging of electronics, toys, hardware, medicine, food, stationery, etc. The above products can be provided with various trays made of PET, PP, PS, PVC, conductive, antistatic, flocking and other sheet materials according to different requirements of customers. General transparent blister tray in the packaging is more common, other colors can be selected according to personalized needs.
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