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Medical machinery shell manufacturing materials and insulation measures
The shell of medical machinery is made of various materials, such as ABS, PP, PE, stainless steel and carbon steel. AB resin is a kind of high strength, good toughness, easy to process molding thermoplastic polymer material, because of its high strength, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, so often used in the manufacture of the plastic enclosure of the instrument.

PP is a high polymer, due to the structure of the regular and highly crystallized, so the melting point can be as high as 167℃. Heat - resistant, corrosion - resistant, products can be steam disinfection is its outstanding advantages. The shell of medical machinery made of this material has no environmental stress cracking problem.

The main ingredient of PVC is polyvinyl chloride polyhydrogen ethylene, bright color, corrosion resistance, firm and durable, because in the manufacturing process increased plasticizer, anti-aging agent and other toxic auxiliary materials to enhance its heat resistance, toughness, ductility, so its products generally do not store food and drugs.

Medical mechanical enclosures shall be constructed and sealed to prevent contact with live parts and parts that may be live under a single fault condition. The position or size of any hole in the top cover shall ensure that the test rod with a diameter of 4mm and a length of 100mm will not touch the live part when the whole length is freely suspended vertically in the hole.

Medical mechanical enclosure with more than 60 v ac or dc 25 v line voltage components, if not by outside a main switch or a can pull out the plug of the device and power supply disconnect at any time, should use additional protective cover, which can prevent the contact, even when you are in on the casing or separated from each other in space arrangement, should be clearly to make the "charged" tag.

Medical mechanical enclosures that prevent contact with live parts must be removed only with tools, or an automatic device should be used to open or remove the enclosure without these parts; The holes to be opened for adjusting these controls shall be designed so that the adjusting tool cannot touch the basic insulation or any live part within the holes or any part of the power supply that is isolated from the grid supply only with the basic insulation and is not protected grounded.
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  • ADD.:8 Union Road, North District, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City
  • M/P:Mr.Zou(133 2810 7222)
  • EMAIL:zouyiping@wxpat.com
  • TEL:0510-85582717-808
  • FAX:0510-85583989
  • Business Department Address:8 Union Road, North District, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City
  • M/P:Ms.Liu(181 0152 3390)
  • TEL:0510-85582717-808
  • EMAIL:liujunru@wxpat.com
  • WEB:www.qhzafh.com
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