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Wuxi plastic art technology specializes in the production and processing of medical device shells

Wuxi Plastic art technology Co., LTD specializes in the production and processing of various medical device shells.




Current customers: Neusoft Group, Philips Group, GE Group.


Products include, not limited to: plastic case, plastic case, medical machinery plastic case, cosmetic instrument case, CT machine case, etc.


Product advantages: the company has made use of ABS engineering plastic hand mold and injection molding to produce various high-quality instrument shells. The company has created new high-energy three-dimensional deformation control technology and has advanced production technology, fast speed, low cost, reliable quality and other advantages.



Product application: dental equipment, B-ultrasonic equipment, biochemical equipment, surgical equipment, radiological equipment, medical machinery equipment, laser instrument equipment.


Wuxi plastic technology company manufacturing plastic blister products have replaced the costly mold cost of casting, you developed new products and small batch of products on the market, played a low cost, fast speed role.


Wuxi plastic art blister product quality and mold production products comparable, can bring you direct economic benefits.

You can contact us through the following ways, we thank you for your attention to us, and look forward to your consultation:
  • ADD.:8 Union Road, North District, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City
  • M/P:Mr.Zou(133 2810 7222)
  • EMAIL:zouyiping@wxpat.com
  • TEL:0510-85582717-808
  • FAX:0510-85583989
  • Business Department Address:8 Union Road, North District, Hudai Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi City
  • M/P:Ms.Liu(181 0152 3390)
  • TEL:0510-85582717-808
  • EMAIL:liujunru@wxpat.com
  • WEB:www.qhzafh.com
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